Wednesday, April 4, 2007

No time to say "Hello" - Goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!!

It's been one full week since I last blogged. I never thought when I started this thing that I'd let that long of a gap come in between posts, but this past week has been completely and utterly insane.

Okay, so maybe it hasn't been "completely and utterly insane," but I've definitely had enough on my plate lately that things have been pretty uncomfortable and hectic.

This weekend we had the Ionian deadline (that's the school newspaper - I'm the News Editor). That was extremely time-consuming, as always. My roommates and I are still in the midst of our seemingly neverending quest to find housing for next year. That's been weighing pretty heavily on my mind - even when I'm not actually in the active pursuit of finding a place. And the workload for my classes has of course been plenty heavy, as well.

Throw in course registration for next semester and the increasingly urgent need to figure out what I'm going to be doing this summer (Working in produce at Shaw's again? Taking summer courses here at Iona? At home? Somehow finding an internship?), and I've felt a little like the White Rabbit in his first scene of Alice in Wonderland (see: post title and picture). Fun connection, right? I do my best.

So, faithful reader, you might now be asking: why did I need to know all of this? Well, I'm not sure that you do. But I somehow felt the need to explain myself and my recent lack of blog activity. It's not like I stopped posting because the networking thing ran out of steam; rest assured, I'm not a one-trick pony.

Hopefully things will calm down ASAP, and I can put my focus back where it belongs: on keeping this blog "awesome."

1 comment:

NiCoLe's Blog said...

Good luck finding housing. My best friend and I are looking for something different, and it's hard to find anything decent around here.